Top questions about hardwood flooring, provided by at Wicks Wood Floors in Waukesha:

It is safe, clean low maintenance and beautiful. Hardwood flooring adds value to your home. Hardwood flooring will last for generations.
Wicks Wood Floors specializes in Site-Finished hardwood flooring. This option offers the most customization. We install the raw wood, and then sand flooring on-site. We customize your stain selection to your choosing on-site.

A Factory Finished Floor the stain and finish is applied at the factory. With a prefinished floor you can walk on your floors immediately after installation.

Solid wood flooring is made of one solid piece of wood. It can be sanded and refinished multiple times and is considered a 100+ year product in your home.

Engineered Flooring is wood that has several layers of substrate and then a veneer of solid wood flooring on top. Engineered flooring has come a long way and now is available in either prefinished or site finished options. Also, certain engineered floors can be sanded and refinished down the road, but how many times it can be refinished depends upon the thickness of the wood veneer top.

Almost every hardwood floor endures some expansion and contraction as seasons and humidity levels change. When homes are heated, humidity levels plummet, boards shrink and spaces appear between the boards. In dry months, cracks can easily develop to the thickness of a dime. Light colored woods make the cracks more noticeable. These spaces are to be expected and usually close up as the season changes and moisture returns to the air. Wicks Wood Floors, Inc. recommends installing a humidifier to help reduce the degree of change.
Exposure to excessive direct sunlight through windows can cause fading or discoloration. This is no different than other fabrics such as carpeting or furniture in the home. Wicks Wood Floors, Inc. recommends the use of drapes or blinds during times of direct sunlight exposure.

Many people believe they can’t have a wood floor because they have a pet. As long as you keep your pets claws trimmed regularly and follow proper floor maintenance, your hardwood will wear fine. Wicks Wood Floors, Inc. uses the highest grade of residential finish in the industry. Your home will actually be cleaner with hardwood flooring, because pet hair will not be trapped and is easy to clean up.

Hardwood flooring will last a lifetime if properly cared for. Isn’t it nice to know that after you’re done paying your mortgage, replacing your roof, water heater, gutters, appliances, and other home items you will still have your wood floor. Wood flooring actually increases the value of your home. Hardwood floors can be sanded approximately 7 times with 15-20 years between each sanding.

Wicks Wood Floors, Inc. can replace pet-stained boards or water damaged boards in your existing hardwood floor. After the board or boards are replaced, the area is sanded to a uniform flatness and a custom stain is mixed to match existing flooring.

Wood flooring is 7 times warmer then tile and 2 times warmer than linoleum. The cost of a wood floor is generally cheaper then tile. The price of wood flooring is comparable to a good quality laminate or carpet. Hardwood flooring actually increases the value of your home.

Wicks Wood Floors proudly serves homeowners in Southeast Wisconsin, including Milwaukee, Waukesha, Wauwatosa, Brookfield, Sussex, Elm Grove, Oconomowoc, Pewaukee, New Berlin and all other surrounding areas. Whether you’re looking for hardwood flooring for new construction or your historic home, Wicks can install the hardwood flooring you’ve always dreamed about.

“Dear Mr. Wichert
We recently had the wood floors of two rooms refinished, and I wanted to let you know how happy we are with the result and the entire process. From the scheduling with Carrie, to the actual sanding/stripping process and finishing, I was very impressed with the level of expertise, courtesy, cleanliness and efficiency.
Certainly the finished result will be visible to us for years to come, but just as important, I wanted to point out how satisfied I was with the people that were responsible for the work. Often times that gets overlooked, and I wanted to acknowledge each of their efforts. You have a great team, and I will be happy to share my experience with anyone who has flooring needs in the future.
Kind Regards”
Brett and Jen J.

“I just wanted to drop a note about your crew and the outstanding performance on our floor project over the last few days. They are to be commended for their politeness and professionalism. …Your company will be recommended by myself and my wife to anyone wanting this type of project.”

Jack and Jane L.
“We have our beautiful wood floor in the living room from Wicks and show it off proudly always telling friends and family about your company.”
Bea B.
“Beautiful work. Employees were fabulous!”
Mr. Cielinski
“Mike – My stairs look beautiful and you have very excellent, hard-working employees. Thanks!”
“Everything looks great. I would refer customers at a heartbeat with no reservations.”
“Love Everything! Great Staff – Keep it up! Thanks”
D. Janczak

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